4 professional tips to pimp your online dating profile

4 professional tips to pimp your online dating profile

October 28, 2018

Dating sites still have a dubious image for many: some people have been single for years, but avoid them because they would be for losers. Nothing of it: just let them hate while you are dating. The use of a reliable dating site also has many advantages. This way you can chat with someone without passing on a phone number or e-mail address. You also retain a certain anonymity until you decide that you want to meet someone in real life.

But the biggest advantage is that the dating pool gets bigger: you can get to know many different types of people that you would never encounter in daily life, because they live in a different area or because they do not frequent the same cafés and clubs as you. You can go for a free site - that keeps the threshold low - or choose a paying site that filters out all potential dates that do not seriously consider it.

This is how you pimp your online dating profile: 

  • Exchange your profile picture regularly: you show different sides of yourself, but also that you are active on the site.
  • Okay, you are not a professional writer or marketer, but it pays to think about how you describe yourself. "Do not start with a list of cliché character traits or hobbies, but try to trigger the other with characteristics or statements that make you unique," says expert Caroline Bruynseels. 'Also focus on the other: what activities would you like to do together? What do you have to offer him or her? "
  • Keep it short: nobody reads lengthy profiles and you will have enough time later to get to know each other.
  • Choose a friend to whom you can submit your profile once. 'It can double-check whether it is sufficiently attractive, whether the most important facts about you are in it and whether your photo is realistic. Because no, it's not a good idea to use that one photo with your model look that you do not look like. 

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